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All icons

Icons are used to communicate a concept or action visually. In most cases they should be combined with text in the form of a label or tooltip for clarity.


Find an icon using the SearchInput below. Click an icon to copy its JSX to your clipboard.

Using icons

To use an icon, import it from components/src/global/icons and use it like any react component.

import { ChevronRight } from "components/src/global/icons";
const MyComponent = () => <ChevronRight />;


In most cases, use the default IconSize.Medium. For situations where an icon needs emphasis or its used next to a large heading, use IconSize.Large. For instances where an icon is being used within a compact container, use IconSize.Small.

Editable example
IconSizePixel size


Icons use fill="currentColor" so by default they inherit the text color from their parent. Color can therefore be changed by wrapping an icon in an element with a specific color, or by giving a className to the icon and specifying a color or fill for that className.

Editable example


Any time an icon is used, try to combine it with either a or a label to clarify its meaning. If an icon's meaning is clear visually based on its context or ubiquity, an aria-label must still be provided for screen readers. If an icon is used purely for decoration, make it aria-hidden.